
intermittent since 2001

Well hello!

The niggling voice inside my head keeps saying,’ You paid for that hosting why don’t you bloody use it!’. Well I set up a hosted blog elsewhere and it was a lot easier than in the old days when I was using Moveable Type, so I have gone back to using a hosted version of…

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…and in with the new

I’ve had time to re-evaluate my Sherbet Fountain and rewrite the review that WordPress so rudely ate. So hear for your viewing pleasure is what I thought of the new style Sherbet Fountain… I’m sat here in front of the new style Sherbet Fountain with some trepidation. Every tube in the box was the same…

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Out with the old…

Out with the old, originally uploaded by mistersnappy. I’ve visited my local Sherbet Fountain supplier to find that they are one tube short of finishing their supply of old skool Sherbet Fountains, so I took the opporunity to purchase one of each to compare and contrast the experiences. On hearing the news that Barrat were…

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The grass is greener

So now I’m at my new job. I’ve moved from West London to East London, from a big corporation to a small collective. The trousers are baggier and the t-shirts are more expressive. I’m now a Senior Producer at milo creative who are based in Hoxton E2. I’m in week two and here is what…

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