
intermittent since 2001


It only seems like a few months ago that I was writing this and now I find myself writing a similar blog post.
Last week I was made redundant once again, which quite frankly is a bit of a pain in the arse. One of the reasons I moved to this company was because I thought that it served an industry that was quite stable following the economic shenanigans that we’ve been experiencing recently. Turns out this isn’t the case and the lack of work means that there isn’t enough in the pot to support the two account managers they have, which in turn means that I’m out on my ear. Ho hum.
On the up-side though, I’ve been through this before so I immediately punted my CV out to anyone who will listen and have listened before and hopefully they’ll start to come up with exciting and new challenges for me going ahead. I’m still looking for opportunities in the digital and interactive fields for anyone who is interested in letting me flex my organisational and creative muscles. So if you happen to hear of anything or have happened upon this blog post because I tagged it ‘career’, ‘challenge’ and ‘opportunity’ then drop a line to simon[at]mistersnappy[dot]co[dot]uk and perhaps we can talk.

So once again, for the benefit of those friendly search engines I’d like to say:

producer, senior producer, BBC, milo, holler, clearpoint, experience, web, internet, project management, project manager, products, development, iphone, flash, creative, jobs, challenge, opportunity, career

That is all.


mistersnappy • May 12, 2011

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