Just over a week ago I said goodbye to my former employers, those seriously playful folk (no not the Jameson ones!), with a tear in my eye. Could have been raining, or maybe it was the whiskey chasers, who knows. Either way I am now what some would politely describe as ‘inbetween jobs’.
So what to do next? Well, I’ve been in this old new media lark since it was really new so I know quite a lot of stuff about quite a lot of stuff and hopefully that is where my next challenge will take me. I’ve checked the stats for this blog and there is a slim possibility that my reader might work for a cool company who is looking for someone a little like me. A senior producer who’s been hiding in HoxDitch for the last two years making nice things for cool people. My special power is understanding BBC speek, kinda like Harry Potter and parseltongue but with less hair and no lightning shaped scar, and I love getting my hands dirty on great projects.
So for the benefit of the search engines, I’d like to say…
producer, senior producer, BBC, experience, web, internet, project management, products, development, iphone, flash, creative, jobs, challenge, career.
Direct your kind offers to simon[at]mistersnappy[dot]co[dot]uk – do a switcheroo with the bracketed stuff and we’ll be in touch as quick as a flash.
That is all.