'Wireless Internet Now Free For All'
As I boarded the 9.10 to Leeds with my copy of Nintendo Magazine wedged firmly under my arm I was looking forward to a leisurely train journey ‘ooop north’. Armed with my shiny new Apple Mac and a spare pair of pants I eased myself into my reserved seat ready for the off. To be honest, when I booked the National Express train to Leeds I wasn’t completely sure whether I was getting a train or a coach but as I arrived at platform 2 in Kings Cross Station I was releaved to find a spruced up intercity with the familiar National Express livery painted down the side and not a coach in sight.
In the back of my mind I was secretly hoping that there would be WiFi available on the train but I didn’t hold out much hope. These luxuries are usually only available to the corporates in first class, but as I took my seat I noticed a sign to my right that declared “Wireless internet now free for all”.
So I’ve now been sitting on the train for nearly two hours, checking my email and preping for my trip to Leeds, Skyping home (with the video functionality) and writing utter drivel on this here blog. The only slighty strange thing is that google thinks I’m in Sweden, unless I got the wrong train from Kings Cross!
Far from this being a leisurely train journey it has been, like the WiFi connection, superfast.
Must dash, the train is about to pull in to Leeds!